Saturday, November 10, 2012

manufacturing company annual report

Manufacturing Company Annual Report

As of September 29, 2012, the Company owned a manufacturing facility in Cork, Ireland that also housed a customer support call center and facilities in Elk Grove, California that included warehousing and distribution ...

Manufacturing Company Annual Report

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Wednesday October 31, 2012 4:15 pm PDT by Jordan GolsonApple today filed its 2012 annual report with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, and the document reveals a few interesting tidbits of information:

The Company’s headquarters are located in Cupertino, California. As of September 29, 2012, the Company owned or leased approximately 17.3 million square feet of building space, primarily in the U.S., and to a lesser extent, in Europe, Japan, Canada, and the Asia-Pacific regions. Of that amount approximately 10.9 million square feet was leased building space, which includes approximately 4.1 million square feet related to retail store space. Of the Company’s owned building space, approximately 2.6 million square feet that is located in Cupertino, California will be demolished to build a second corporate campus. Additionally, the Company owns a total of 1,077 acres of land in various locations.

As of September 29, 2012, the Company owned a manufacturing facility in Cork, Ireland that also housed a customer support call center and facilities in Elk Grove, California that included warehousing and distribution operations and a customer support call center. The Company also owned land in Austin, Texas where it will build office space and a customer support call center. In addition, the Company owned facilities for research and development and corporate functions in Cupertino, California, including land for the future development of the Company’s second corporate campus. The Company also owned data centers in Newark, California; Maiden, North Carolina; and Prineville, Oregon. Outside the U.S., the Company owned additional facilities for various purposes.

The document is thick with financial information, including breakdowns of all sorts related to how the company makes money, invests its money, and pays taxes, among other things. [ 76 comments ]TweetTop Rated Comments(View all)

That's a lot of Jobs. The overseas manufacturing can be looked past considering how many people are putting food on the table because of Apple products.

That's not a lot of jobs, especially compared to other companies with similar revenue, who easily employ four to ten times as many. Compare Apple to the top 50 largest employers in the US. Or the top 10.

The thread isn't even 5 minutes old yet and this is the first post. Lol you have to love this place. So strict :DRating: 5 Positives T-Will6 days ago at 03:46 pm100 full time equivalent employees PER STORE!?!?

In seperate news,BMW makes all it's money by servicing it's cars,it almost left the car manufacturing business since it's cars are so flawed :rolleyes:Rating: 4 Positives Popeye2066 days ago at 05:33 pmcheck the ebay part departament. Massive unibody macbook's magsafe board, and motherboard problems. Most apple sales come from software and apps. The only pieces of hardware, that are somehow OK : iphone, mac pro and imac. Apple almost left portable laptop market, since products are so flawed.

Yeah, I agree... the laptops are junk. I can only get about 5 years of daily use out of them before they have to be replaced. Sucks! :rolleyes:Rating: 4 Positives Will do good6 days ago at 05:51 pmToo bad the sales folk don't get commission. They could be rich instead of being stuck in a job with almost no chance of promotion.

If they are un-happy at Apple they should look for abetter pay job else where. As you say, it's better than a poke in the eye :DRating: 4 Positives nuckinfutz6 days ago at 03:17 pmThat's a lot of Jobs. The overseas manufacturing can be looked past considering how many people are putting food on the table because of Apple products.Rating: 3 Positives jlgolson6 days ago at 03:17 pmNice proof-reading.

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